Donate to a New Vision for Politics

Every dollar donated to CIVIL will go to three 2022 projects.

  • Advertise to expand our community
  • The American Success Dashboard
  • X-Prizes for innovative ideas to produce smart government

Please, no large donations.  We aim to build a community of Netflix-like, monthly donations.  I hope the donor can imagine that 10,000 people giving $10 a month for 10 months is far better than chasing a rich guy that wants payback for a million dollar donation.  CIVIL says, ‘No thanks.’ This is a community of the people, by the people and for the people.

If you give, help us find those other thousands to meet our goals for this year.

Why Small Donations?

The CIVIL approach transfers power from the politically well-connected elites to regular people like you. If the 225,000,000 voters that do not give to political campaigns, gave $10 three times exceeds the amount of big donations to either party – $7 billion.  Six $10 contributions exceed all the political donations in 2020.

One of the reasons voters don’t give to political parties is – what’s the point if big donors give a million.  Ten bucks means nothing.  It does to CIVIL.